Thursday, September 11, 2008

The moment it clicks...

Being happy with the results of a photo is what keeps me clicking. For me there's nothing else better than a well shot subject and to be able to say that "I" took that picture.
Whenever I see a picture I decompose it and try to figure out how the shot was done.
Then I perceive things in the shoot if I were to do it, I try to imagine if I would come up with the same result.

For about 5 years now since a good friend of mine seriously introduced me to the amazing world of aperture and shutter speed. I was amazed at what he can do with the camera in hand and i'm thankful he was willing to teach me. I owe most of it to a friend named Patrick.
It was not long that I found myself shooting for model's portfolios, weddings and fashion shows and resort destinations. The best experience is getting paid to photograph and have fun whatever the subject may be.

I hope to better myself in the fashion and event photography industry locally and who knows globally perhaps. While in school I expect myself to learn as much as I can on techniques in and out of the studio. The right business sense is also what I need to learn a whole lot about. Everybody I guess would like to learn something but for me most especially I would like to learn from myself and say that after the diploma course, I would like to say to myself that I am ready; ready for anything for me work on and with greater confidence in myself.

A few years ago I was able to meet Mr. Nigel Barker a noted fashion photographer when he visited manila for a seminar on the world of fashion photography. I was fortunate enough to be part of his seminar at that time and I learned a lot. Things that you would not even think that a photographer should even consider which are things that are outside the four corners of the photograph.



Cassandra Steen said...

that's a beautiful photo!

Ebonie Klassen said...

wow-I'd like to meet a world famous photographer one day! It's good to have great friends who encourage and move you to try new experiences!

Carly Alexandra Stevenson said...

I told you this after your class with Sarah today, but I really enjoyed the shots you got at the Nygard Fashion show on Friday. You seem to really command attention as a photographer and I thought your composition given the little space you had to work and maneuver around in was really really great. I love what I've seen so far and will definitely be checking back for updates! See you around school! =)